Discussion on Metronic | Bootstrap HTML, VueJS, React, Angular, Asp.Net, Django & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template

Discussion on Metronic | Bootstrap HTML, VueJS, React, Angular, Asp.Net, Django & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template

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I downloaded the Laravel demo 8 and I change in the config/settings.php some default values such as KT_THEME_MODE_DEFAULT from light to dark or the KT_THEME_MODE_SWITCH_ENABLED from true to false and when I save the file the changes don’t apply

Thank you in advanced

Hi George,

Thank you for letting us know about the issue you encountered. Our team is currently working on a fix. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We will provide an update as soon as possible and appreciate your patience in the meantime.


Will we have news for version 8.1.8 or are they minor fixes and improvements?


The major update for Metronic in this release was global icons migration to our brand new in-house designed KeenIcons set.

For more info please refer to Metronic v8.1.8 Changelog.

If you enquire for further assistance or have questions, we invite you to join our Community Support Forum. There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members.

Regards. Sean

Hello, is there a possibility to support phoenix framework in the future?


Thank you for your suggestion.

Noted and we will consider this.

Regards, Sean

ok i am confused a bit, i bought this package here from themeforest but the downloaded zip archive only has content in the HTML folder? the rest of the folders have a download.html file that points to towards another website to purchase again from ? (i got this because i thought it contained a Laravel template)


Thanks for your interest in Metronic.

Due to popular requests, we understand that packaging 10 frameworks with 46 demos into a single 4GB download file can be quite daunting. Therefore, as an alternative download option, we’ve decided to split our demos into individual packages for your convenience.

Simply sign up to our official developer portal and head over to the Metronic demo downloads page to pick your demo. You’ll need to enter your purchase code for us to validate your purchase.

Regards, Sean

my support period finished, now I cannot download the latest updated react dashboard demos ?


Sure, you can download all future updates for free without having an active support subscription from Metronic Downloads page by entering your purchase code from Themeforest Downloads page.

If you enquire for further assistance or have questions, we invite you to join our Support Forum. There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members.

Regards, Sean

I cannot find my purchase code from downloads page, and also not at my invoice pdf


Could you please contact our support via devs.keenthemes.com and we will provide you alternative download link via private reply.

Regards, Sean

hello, I’m trying to integrate the demo20 html in laravel and I get multiple errors, do you have a repository where the laravel integration with the demo20 is ready? I have the purchase code of my client, please help me to solve it, where can I go?


All advertised demos https://keenthemes.com/metronic will be available upon purchase. At the moment we do not have demo20 Laravel integration.

You can use Demo20 Layout Builder to export the layout partials and refer to demo1 laravel views and integrate demo20 views into your laravel app.

The file structure for all demos is the same but for demo20 you will need its own assets from the HTML version.

If you need any further clarifications please reach our support via devs.keenthemes.com.

Regards, Sean

hi, does metronic datatables working in angular. or i need to install 3rd party library for this. Thanks


Thank you for your feedback. At the moment Metronic 8 Angular does not have CRUD solution but we will implement it as soon as possible. In the meantime you should implement it by your own.

If you enquire for further assistance or have questions, we invite you to join our Community Support Forum. There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members.

Regards, Sean

Hi, Any plan for new release this month?

Thanks !

Hi :),

Yes, we are currently preparing v8.1.8 update and it should be out very soon.

If you enquire for further assistance or have questions, we invite you to join our Support Forum. There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members.

Regards, Sean


Can use this license in more than one Server.


Thank you for your interest in Metronic.

Yes, you can deploy the same app in unlimited number of servers for load balancing purposes. However if you deploy your app in multiple server for other purposes, such as, using for different group of users and purposes you will need to purchase separate licenses for each usage.

If you need any further clarifications please reach our support via Devs Support Forum.

Regards, Sean

hello, when are you going to publish the version of laravel with vite?


Thank you for your interest in Metronic.

The Vite integration is in our todo list and we will release it in the near future. There are some core jquery plugins that requires workaround to be compiled with Vite. Once we solve this as soon as possible and release the Vite build for Metronic.

If you need any further clarifications please reach our support via Devs Support Forum.

Regards, Sean

ok, perfect, do you have an estimated date?


We usually do not give ETA for feature requests since we have hundreds of them in our todo list. We will do our best to release it as soon as possible. Appreciate your understanding.

If you enquire for further assistance or have questions, we invite you to join our Community Support Forum. There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members.

Regards, Sean

i can’t browse the freaking demos in peace because ever 5 seconds it pops up the modal to select layouts and dashboards, freaking annoying


By right it should be shown only once since the information about the first time display we store in browser cookies. If you are using the same browser for browsing the preview this should not happened. So far we haven’t receiving any such issue. However we will double check it further.

Regards, Sean

i just found out that this happens when inside the envato iframe, if i open the page alone in a new tab, it doesn’t happen


Thank you for the information. We will double check this and try to find a workaround for the iframe mode preview.

If you enquire for further assistance or have questions, we invite you to join our Community Support Forum. There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members.

Regards, Sean


I use old version of metronic, already parsed to admin. I don’t know exactly which version is that. And when I use new version style.css everything crashed. So how I can get old version of template?


Please note that the latest version requires full reintegration if you are using the Metronic version releases years ago. The major changes can be due to Metronic core code improvements, Bootstrap and other 3rd-party libraries updates as well.

For support inquiries, we invite you to join our primary support channel at https://devs.keenthemes.com/.  ​There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members.

Regards, Sean

Which kind of the license do we need?

We bought your template and thankful you allow us to download the latest version everytime you launch. I really appreciate your dedicate support.

However, since you splitted your package, we can only get HTML-Demo1. In order to get the other framework such as Vuejs we need to sign in https://devs.keenthemes.com/

which requires “Renew support to get help from keenthemes for 6 months.”

So does the Metronic license include only HTML-Demo1? Do we have to renew the support license every 6 months to download the latest version of other framework?



You can download all new updates and available demos without having 6 months active support subscription. All future updates and improvements are free lifetime per license.

Just signup at keenthemes.com and go to and provide your purchase code to download any demo Metronic Downloads.

If you need any further help please contact our support via Devs Support Forum.

Regards, Sean

Sorry, my bad. I got it.

Thanks so much.

Hi :),

No problem at all :) We are always happy to clarify and provide useful info.

Regards, Sean

hi, already bought this template and try the demo for angular. I’m using firefox and switch to responsive design mode. Found out that the aside menu not toggle/display when i click on the icon. Can you help me on this. thanks


we plan to include the fix in the upcoming update. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

To implement the above change, you can follow these steps:

- Open the file /demo1/src/app/_metronic/layout/layout.component.ts

- Locate the updateSidebar() function inside the LayoutComponent class.

- Add the following code snippet inside the updateSidebar() function, at the appropriate position:

if (this.appSidebarDefaultDrawerEnabled) {
 this.appSidebarDefaultDrawerAttributes = this.layout.getProp(
 ) as { [attrName: string]: string };

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Hello, I have downloaded the latest version of theme 8.1.7. In latest theme react code is not available, could you check it and confirm? Thanks


Thanks for your interest in Metronic.

​In the download package from Themeforest, you will be able to see download.html files for frameworks and demos and upon clicking you should be redirected to our site to download the required framework and demos.

Due to popular requests, we understand that packaging 10 frameworks with 46 demos into a single 10GB download file can be quite daunting. Therefore, as an alternative download option, we’ve decided to split our demos into individual packages for your convenience. 

Simply sign up to our official developer portal https://devs.keenthemes.com/ and head over to the Metronic demo downloads page https://devs.keenthemes.com/metronic to pick your demo. You’ll need to enter your purchase code for us to validate your purchase from https://themeforest.net/downloads.

If you need any further help please let us know.

Have a great day!

Regards, Sean

bg-white class is depreciated

As you mentioned in changelog of v8.1.7. Could you please update your documentation in the below link as well? https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/base/modal#fullscreen



Thank you for the heads-up. Noted and we will check it further and rectify the issue asap.

If you enquire for further assistance or have questions, we invite you to join our products community at https://devs.keenthemes.com/. There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members. 

Regards, Sean

Hello, everyone!

We have some exciting news to share!

1. You can now download version 1.0 of Metronic’s Figma UI kit from the Graphics category on the Devs forum at https://devs.keenthemes.com/metronic/graphics. More updates will be made available shortly.

2. We will soon be including KeenIcons ($49 worth) in our updated version of Metronic. KeenIcons is an improved version of the Duotune icons set and offers nearly 600 icons in three styles: Duotone, Outline, and Solid. Our team has created this icon set using our expertise gained over 10 years of dashboard development. We encourage you to share your icon suggestions with us at https://devs.keenthemes.com/question/suggest-icons, and we will consider adding them to future KeenIcon releases.

Best regards, Bob

Hi! Thanks for a quick reply. When I mark the 1st and 2nd questions, I can pass with the forward button, but the forward button in the 3rd question replaces the save button and submits it in the 3rd question. I can’t see the other questions. Can you help me on this?


Can you please reach our support team via devs.keenthemes.com and provide more details for your issue ? Which demo, build method(gulp or webpack) and feature(page, modals, forms) are you referring to ?

Regards, Sean

How can I download the old version of the package? The current version 8.0.38, upgrade directly to 8.1.6, the span is too big.


Can you please contact our support via devs.keenthemes.com by creating a private post and providing your license key and let us know which version and framework/demo you use?

Regards, Sean

Accordion style

I am really excited at the collapsible list in your below demo


However, I want to apply it to an accordion list – only one item is open at a time. Actually, I have tried to use data-bs-parent but it did not work correctly because of the style of the button [+].

I see that Accordion has only 2 styles in your document. https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/base/accordion

Could you please support the style above for your accordion? It is absolutely helpful if we can use that style for both Collapsible list and Accordione list.


Hi :),

Thanks for your feedback. Noted and we will add this style for the accordions list in the next update.

If you enquire for further assistance or have questions, we invite you to join our products community at https://devs.keenthemes.com/. There you can get assistance and guidance from KeenThemes core developers and community members. 

Regards, Sean


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